Student Government - AZ

At MWU, student government provides a forum for discussing and resolving student concerns, and initiating recognition of new student organizations.

University Student Senate

All students at each campus are represented through a campus-wide Student Senate. Each Student Senate is composed of 12 members. Three members represent each college within the campus. The remaining three members are the Speaker of the Student Senate, Vice Speaker, and the Secretary. Meeting every other month, each Student Senate provides a mechanism for governance of campus-wide activities and functions. It also provides a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and perceptions concerning student issues that cross college lines. Each Student Senate is required to develop and publish bylaws that describe: (1) the name of the senate; (2) purpose; (3) objectives of the senate; (4) operation and relationship with the College Student Councils; (5) membership and procedures for the election of officers/liaisons and their terms of office; (6) duties of senate members; (7) meeting schedules; (8) parliamentary procedure selected; (9) procedure considerations (quorums, role of individual class officers, etc); and (10) adoption and amendment procedures.

College Councils

Individual college student councils function to provide governance for student issues related to the individual colleges, as well as conducting all-class and college-wide elections. Adoption of bylaws governing the individual college student councils is at the discretion of the elected/appointed officers of these councils. College student councils are encouraged to adopt bylaws that are consistent with the bylaws of the other college student councils.

Individual college student councils are required to develop and publish bylaws that describe: (1) the name of the student council; (2) purpose; (3) objectives of the council; (4) operation and relationship with other college student councils; (5) membership and procedures for the election of officers/representatives and their terms of offices; (6) duties of student council members; (7) meeting schedules; (8) parliamentary procedure selected; (9) procedure considerations (quorums, role of individual class officers, etc); and (10) adoption and amendment procedures.